Documents News

Dellis Cay Development Agreement signed by Hon.Governor Tauware in 2005

Link: 31July2005- Dellis Cay – Development Agreement signed

Between Dr.Cem Kinay nd  Hon.Governor Tauware on 31th July 2005.

Please compare both Development Agreements signed  for Dellis Cay ,DA from 1997,before I purchased  Dellis Cay in 1997

and  2005,when I  purchased Dellis  Cay.

I am asking again Hon.Governor  Todd to publish all DA’s in the last 20 years  for TCI People.

I am asking Helen Garlick to extend their investigations  for all DA’s and political donations in this country.

The TCI people has the right to know the TRUTH’s.

God Bless.

Dr.Cem Kinay

Developer of Dellis Cay Turks and Caicos Islands.

Documents News

DELLIS CAY Development Agreement SIGNED IN 1997 by John Kelly in the Name of CROWN

I invite His Hon.Governor Richi Todd,to disclose all Development Agreements signed by Governors in the name of Crown with all developers in the last 20 years.

I am inviting developers of Parrot Cay,Aman Resort,Grace Bay Club,Seven Stars,Beaches etc to publish their Development Agreements too.

I am publishing this document  in the interest of  People and Justice in Turks and Caicos Islands.Each man and women of TCI has the right to know ,what is happening in their country.

This is the Development Agreement between The Crown and The Government of The Turks And Caicos Islands and Dellis Cay Development Company about Proposed Resort Development at Dellis Cay dated 4th day of  July, 1997.

Dellis Cay Zeta Development Agreement