
Cem Kinay’in Kirmizi Bulten ile Ilgili Aciklamasi

10 Temmuz 2012 Salı


Yaklaşık 35 yıldır Türkiye ve dünyada turizm sektörünün en saygın yatırımcılarından birisi olarak devam etmekte olan iş yaşamımda bugün yeni bir deneyim daha yaşadım.

İngiltere ve Turks and Caicos hükümetleri tarafından hakkımda bir Kırmızı Bülten çıkarıldığını haber aldım. Yaklaşık 3 yıldır sürdürdüğüm siyasi-hukuki mücadeleyi kazanacağımdan emin olmakla birlikte, gelinen noktayı kamuoyu ile paylaşmayı da bir borç biliyorum.

Türkiye’nin ekonomik kapasitesini dünyanın her yerine yayması gerektiğine inanan bir işadamı olarak  2005 yılında önce Karayiplerin bir adası olan Turks and Caicos Adalarında yaklaşık 1 milyar dolarlık bir emlak ve turizm yatırımına giriştim. Adanın güzelliğine, ekonomisine, kültürel gelişimine büyük katkı yapacak olan projemizi ada halkı ve yönetimi de büyük bir sevgi ve ilgiyle kucakladı. Ancak Ada yönetiminin ve başbakan Michael Missick’in adanın bağlı olduğu İngiltere yönetimiyle siyasi ihtilafa düşmesi, siyasi istikrarın bozulmasına ve 2009 yılında İngiliz hükümetinin adaya müdahalesine yol açtı. Yolsuzlukla suçlanan Missick görevden alındı ve anayasa askıya alındı.

Bu süreçte Turks and Caicos adalarında yatırım yapan onlarca işadamı da başbakan Missick ile bağlantıları olduğu ve yolsuzluğa karıştıkları iddiası ile suçlandılar. Ancak suçlananlar hep yabancı yatırımcılar oldu. Başbakan Missick’in rüşvetçi olduğunu ispat etmenin yolu, özellikle hedef seçilen yabancı yatırımcıların rüşvet verdiğini kanıtlamaktı. Ben de bu siyasi mücadelenin günah keçilerinden birisi olarak seçildim ve yıllar sürecek bir hukuk mücadelesinin içerisine itildim. Gerçekten “”masum ve haklı olduğum” için, “masum ve haklı olduğumu” kanıtlayacağımdan eminim. Bugüne kadar bu konuda açılan ve tamamlanan bütün davalarda olduğu gibi bundan da beraat edeceğim. Siyasi bir davaya karşı yürüttüğüm hukuki mücadelemi ise uluslararası platformların tümünde sürdüreceğim.

Hem Türkiye’nin büyüyen gücüne paralel olarak dünyanın her yerinde iş geliştiren Türk işadamlarını bu tür riskler konusunda uyarmak ve hukuki süreçler konusunda hazırlıklı olunması gerektiğine dikkati çekmek hem de küresel bir güce dönüşen Türkiye’nin tüm dünyada bayrağımızı dalgalandıran işadamlarından birisi olarak ilgililerin desteğine ihtiyaç duyduğumuzu belirtmek için bu kısa açıklamayı kamuoyunun bilgisine saygılarımla sunuyorum.

Dr. Cem Kınay



Birlesik  Ingiltere Kralligi na dahil Turks ve Caicos Adaları’nda yer alan Dellis Cay bir doğa harikasıdır.  Parrot Cay’in yanında yer alan adaya Providenciales’den deniz yoluyla 20 dakikada ulasmak mümkündür. Dellis Cay, Haziran 2005’te  özel bir şahıstan satın alınmıştır. Adada dünyanın önde gelen mimarlarının eşsiz tasarımlarından oluşan lüks bir yerleşim kompleksi planlandı.. Proje tamamlandığında, adada Mandarin Oriental otelinin çevresinde yer alan ve otelin hizmet vereceği lüks villalar ve residenceler olacaktı.  Projenin inşaat çalışmalarına, Haziran 2008’de başlanmıştı ve planlanan, projenin ilk bolumunun Ekim 2010 da tamamlanması  şeklindeydi.

Dr. Kinay, son otuz yıldır ,vizyon sahibi,saygıdeğer bir uluslararası iş adamı olarak  haklı bir üne kavuşmuştur. Magic Life Grubu’nun kurucusu olan Dr. Kınay, 2006 yılında layık görüldüğü “Avusturya Devleti Onur Payesi ve Madalyası” da dahil olmak üzere yüksek ahlaki ilkelerini, dahası iş dünyasındaki zekasını ve yetkinliğini tanıyan pek çok ödül almıştır.


Elections on 09th of November in Turks and Caicos Islands





General elections, which will return the Turks and Caicos Islands to self-rule, will be held on November 9, 2012.
This was announced by the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs William Hague in London on Tuesday June 12th.

“I am pleased to inform the House that the interim government in TCI, led by the Governor and supported by TCI and UK public servants and specialist advisers, has made significant progress with an ambitious reform programme. We now judge there has been sufficient progress, on the milestones and on putting in place robust financial controls, to set 9 November as the date for elections,” Hague said.

BREAKING NEWS Genel News People


Democracy is in danger in Turks and Caicos Islands and I am a victim of this.

In July 2008 The Governor of Turks and Caicos – representing the UK Government – appointed a Commission to conduct an Inquiry into “possible corruption or other dishonesty” in Government. Hearings were held – presided over by His Lordship, Mr. Justice Sir Robin Auld – in January of 2009, concluding in February of the same year. In August 2009, His Excellency, then the Governor of the Turks and Caicos islands, Gordon Wetherell brought into force an Order in Council suspending portions of the Turks and Caicos Islands Constitution. Under this move Ministerial Government, and the House of Assembly – which is the only means of representing the people – was dissolved and all representative seats were vacated, with the promise of elections in 24 months. Amongst the astounding changes was that the basic right in the European Declaration of Human Rights to a Trial by Jury was also suspended, and confirmed recently by law. The sole political power in the Turks and Caicos Islands is now the Governor, appointed by the British government. He has appointed an Advisory Council and a Consultative Forum. However, as the appointment documents make clear, the Governor has no obligation to follow or regard their recommendations. This undemocratic move, which is totally inconsistent with Article I of the United Nation’s Charter on the Right to Self-Determination, is still the case in Turks and Caicos, and still, now nearly 2 and a half years later.

And still there is no date for elections.

My involvement in the Turks and Caicos dates from early 2005. In June of that year we purchased a private island called Dellis Cay, to develop a USD$1 billion project with the Mandarin Oriental Hotel and villas with world famous architects – including Zaha Hadid, David Chipperfield, Kengo Kuma, Shigeru Ban, Piero Lissoni and Carl Ettenspenger. The development proceeded in an unremarkable fashion, with usual succession of planning permits, from the start construction date of June 2008 to October 2009. A mixture of funds from my own resources, sales of residential units and loans from the Trinidad & Tobago Unit Trust Corporation funded the development.

In June of 2008, we bought a second island, Joe Grant Cay, from the Crown (The government of Turks and Caicos), presented the deal structure to the British Governor of Turks and Caicos – who was then His Excellency Richard Tauwhare – with the development agreement signed in November of 2008 by the new Governor, His Excellency Gordon Wetherell, with the objective of developing a resort with Bulgari Hotel and Villas.

In January 2009, in the course of hearings by the Commission of Inquiry, the Premier of Turks and Caicos disclosed political contributions by several businessperson and companies toward his party’s elections, two years before, in 2007. He disclosed a political contribution made by our company as well; which is normal all over the world, including in Britain.

Neither the Inquiry, nor the Judge, nor the Governor made any request of me, or my representatives to provide answers about these contributions. Yet, our actions were remarked upon adversely in the Commission’s report.

In June 2009, we asked the High Court of Turks and Caicos Islands to undertake a Judicial Review of the Final Report of the Commission of Inquiry, with the result that the Supreme Court called for the removal of any and all adverse references to my or our companies. In his ruling the Chief Justice agreed with us, that there was a “Clear and almost total failure by the Commission to follow its own procedures”. His Lordship stated further that I had not been given a fair hearing, and said that if any adverse statements were included in the Final Report, they should not be published.

It must be understood that even though this court is in Turks and Caicos, it is an English court, applying English law and procedures. Yet, four (4) weeks later, in July of 2009, the Final Report was published, with text unredacted, so that the adverse statements made about me and my companies, which were judged to have been unfair and unlawful, were made public; even after the Chief Justice ruled they should not be published.

Despite my attempts to cooperate and assist the lending bank for our projects to understand the issues relating to the Commission of Inquiry and their unlawful published reports, it was no longer possible to avoid the entrance into Receivership of the Dellis Cay project in favour of the Trinidad and Tobago Unit Trust Corporation in October 2009.

This failure of the Commission to follow the law has therefore done me harm because I provided personal guarantee to the Trinidad and Tobago Unit Trust Corporation.

Since that time – January 2010 – the bank has obtained a worldwide freezing order against me. The Attorney General of Turks and Caicos issued a Writ and Statement of Claim regarding Joe Grant Cay in July 2010.

I have appealed both actions.

After three (3) years, in October 2011, I was finally able to explain my side of the allegations of bribery for the political contributions above. In the meantime, my assets in Dellis Cay and the assets of buyers in that development have been destroyed; even though I have never bribed anyone in Turks and Caicos, or anywhere else.

I have been made a victim of the politics of Turks and Caicos. In English law, the saying is that “justice must not only be done, but it must be…seen to be done”. I speak now to warn that this is not the case in Turks and Caicos and to say that human rights, and property rights, democracy and justice are under threat in Turks and Caicos